Teach First as affective governmentality: the shaping of the hyper-performative, affected and committed teacher

Patrick Bailey


This article presents a Foucauldian and neo-Marxist analysis of the education charity and social enterprise, Teach First. It explores some of the affective, creative, and immaterial practices/technologies whereby this influential organisation creates or fabricates, and attempts to secure, a world of objectivity and meaning, posing and activating corresponding forms of subjectivity and conduct. The analysis addresses some of the diverse forms and modalities of power from which emerges a version of the post-Fordist, neo-liberal teacher subject – an iteration of the teacher characterised by new forms of subjectivity and social relations, which are bound up with changing economic and cultural practices. Moreoever, this article explores Teach First as a form of «affective governmentality», and situates this influential organisation within ongoing, global transformations in the governance of teacher training.

Palabras clave

Governmentality, Affect, Power, Foucault, Teach First, Teach For All, Governance, Performativity, Teacher Subjectivity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.14516/fde.820

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